Monday, April 23, 2012

Squeaks (from Iowa!)

This poster comes off like a slow-burning drama. It begins with a real heartbreaking punch -- that the bereaved lost their cat within days of moving to Portland, as if they didn't have enough going on in their life after relocating to a new city, and then proceeds to slow the pace down as they allow emotion to build up in the reader.

The details provided serve to show the reader how caring of owners they were, putting the reader in a "how-could-this-happen" mindset.

The slow-burn quality of this poster continues as we are given the final statement "we miss her so much". And, as if that statement wasn't saddening enough, the whole sentence is practically covered up by the "still missing" sticker that lets you know a second effort was put into this poster, because the initial effort of this saddened couple was not enough to bring back their poor, missing cat.

A real, classic never-win story.

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